Thursday 30 September 2010


I love Italy.... since I have memory I think it is a country really nice, beautiful and with much culture. The cities in this country are wonderful; for example Venecia, Roma. Milan, etc...I think are outstanding.
In hight school I had
a friend ( Enzo Napolitano) he knew Italy beacuse his family it is from there....he said me only good stuff about the cities, the people, the culture, the museum and any kind the stuff about Italy; thank him I love more that country...I hope to know it some day and to know all their cities; but the city I would be know first it´s Venecia....and traveling for his channels in " GONDOLA".....I love that idea =).
In second place, I would be go to Milan because it is one of the capitals of the fashion, I am really exciting with this idea and to buy many many but many clothing, see the fashion show and maybe know a fashion designer...jajajaja ( I am dreaming...I know XD).
Also I love the food :P jajajajaja...I love the pasta like lasagna, spaguetti...and well all about this kind of culinary culture XD.
And finally see their culture....the museum, the History´s Italy and their cities, and. to see the statues and painting for example.........walk on the streets and knew new people...
Also I think to visit others country of Europa like Francia, Spain and Portugal....and a few of Latin America ones like Colombia... but for the moment I would only know Italy
For this reason and many more I love Italy and I`´m sure one day I go to visit it.

Thursday 23 September 2010


The Transantiago is new for me, because in Valparaiso we use buses only and sometimes, taxis but in general the public transportation is the most common used. The impresion that I had about this system when I lived in Valpo was very bad because the tv showed only bad thing about the buses, the routs, the stop buses and anything with relation to the Transantiago.
At the beggining, when I arrived to Santiago I though the Transantiago was very complicated, bad and also I felt very lost with the rout of this new system of public transport but with the time (and with help of my friends) I changed my mind.(something)
Now I think the Transantiago is only cheaper than Valparaiso`s buses, for example here I pay $160 and Valparaiso I pay $200 or more, also the way to pay is more easy..... in these aspects I think it is great.
But it has many stuff to improve like the routs, the frecuency of the buses, the bus´s drivers and something else.
In the aspect of the routs I think they are very short and the numbers of the buses are not clear.
The frecuency of a few buses (like H14) is very slow.....the last time I waited 40 minutes for that bus!!!!....but the worst thing is than the bus don`t stopped in the stop buses. Stuff like that makes them look with a bad publicity
In general the Transantiago is a good public transportation but it has many stuff to improve....I think that stuff will change with the time

Thursday 9 September 2010

The Last Semester 2010.....

It was a good semester, I pass all my subjects ... but cost me anatomy, because it is a subject where have to use much memory and I have to read very much to past this course. But in general I was well.
I met many good friends of first year like Pablo, Emilio and Seba and others. Also I met Rodrigo and Herko in a elective subjects (volleyball)... they from Agronomy and they are very funny and good friends. We played (Daniela Alvarez and me) whit them volleyball, ping-pong and "Taca-taca"....of couser we always winning =)...jajajajjajajjajaja. I like very much being whit them.
In the winter vacations my friends Daniela (Neka) was to visite me in was great; we cook, walk for the pier and the coast to Viña del Mar, was to play to the Casino and we winning money! (something XD)....and other stuff very funny.
Also I find a cat in my home in Valparaiso, is very cut; it´s brown and mom love them and now he sleep wiht her....We call him IKER....(from Iker Casillas). =D
In this moment I not remember bad things could be happen in the last semester, but I think was very few.
And that was my Semester ( in general XD)
