Thursday 9 September 2010

The Last Semester 2010.....

It was a good semester, I pass all my subjects ... but cost me anatomy, because it is a subject where have to use much memory and I have to read very much to past this course. But in general I was well.
I met many good friends of first year like Pablo, Emilio and Seba and others. Also I met Rodrigo and Herko in a elective subjects (volleyball)... they from Agronomy and they are very funny and good friends. We played (Daniela Alvarez and me) whit them volleyball, ping-pong and "Taca-taca"....of couser we always winning =)...jajajajjajajjajaja. I like very much being whit them.
In the winter vacations my friends Daniela (Neka) was to visite me in was great; we cook, walk for the pier and the coast to ViƱa del Mar, was to play to the Casino and we winning money! (something XD)....and other stuff very funny.
Also I find a cat in my home in Valparaiso, is very cut; it´s brown and mom love them and now he sleep wiht her....We call him IKER....(from Iker Casillas). =D
In this moment I not remember bad things could be happen in the last semester, but I think was very few.
And that was my Semester ( in general XD)



Nekita said...

hahaha! oh nice moments my friend.
Visit my blogg I made one question to you 1313...

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