Thursday 7 October 2010

Death Penalty

I think this topic is very difficult for talking.....because there are many opnions and positions.....and I think nobody is wrong......lately the death penalty was implemented in many countries.....and it was accepted by the people.....
My opinion is that no body deserve the death no matter was it done.....the life is a right!!!.....Now with the people who has done wrong things deserve another kind to prision for ever or another kind of punishment what shows their bad action ... something for geting their repentance.
But to die .....I think it is a scape for their action....and don´t learned anything and the pain caused by their action or work, not desappears.....
Now the countries that have this santion could learn another thecnics or others option to resolve the problems with the society. ......
The people need to learn that we are not God for deciding who live and who not....If they learn this lession many stuff change in this world like this (death penalty)....Could think others punishment to apply instead of thinking as approve laws to kill people...
Perhaps ( and it is the more probably) the affected people by reaper or murder thinking that this is the solution but the revenge not help anybody.....because I think after this....what happen now???...if this person had a punishment that show him the reality of their actions...the punishment would be better and adecquate...
Maybe this is a " Utopy" but the death it is not a solution for our society .... the life is a rigth and nobody should take off .


Nekita said...

"the life it is a right" I agree with you =)

Miss said...

I think this topic is very difficult for talking.....because there are many opnions and positions.....and I think nobody is wrong......lately the death penalty was implemented in many countries.....and it was accepted by the people.....
My opinion is that WF no body deserve the death no matter was it done.....the life is a right!!!.....Now with the people who SVA has done wrong things deserve another kind to prision for ever or another kind of punishment what shows their bad action ... something for SP geting their repentance.
But to die .....I think it is a scape for their action....and don´t WF learned anything and the pain caused by their action or work, not desappears.....
Now the countries that have this santion could learn another thecnics or others option to resolve the problems with the society. ......
WW The people need to learn that we are not God for deciding who SVA live and who not....If they learn this lession many stuff SVA change in this world like this (death penalty)....^ Could think others punishment to apply instead of thinking as approve laws to kill people...
Perhaps ( and it is the more probably) the affected people WW by WF reaper or murder thinking that this is the solution but the revenge ^not help anybody.....because I think after this....what SVAhappen now???...if this person had a punishment that show SVA him the reality of their actions...the punishment would be better and adecquate...
Maybe this is a " Utopy" but the death it is not a solution for our society .... the life is a rigth and nobody should take WW off .

very good! i agree it is a very complex issue... what would suggest instead of it? what about life sentence?

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