Sunday 24 October 2010

My favourite animal......=)

I love the cats, they are beutiful and cute....the most of people thinking what the cats are kindless and untrust...........but I think the opposite at all ....
In my experience.....the cats are worm, kind, cute and a perfect pets; I do not discuss that the cats are more independently as the dogs or any pets....but this particular thing of them that I love so much on them.
In my case I have 3 cats in my home ( 2 female and 1 male)... their names are Almendra, Agustina and Iker respectively...
Almendra is only mine... she is white with black spots, she is so cute and very worm with me, always waiting my return to home from Santiago, and she is very happy when I came back at Valparaiso.....when I was out with my friends or any other activity out.. she is awaiting for me in the window and she does not move from there. Also she slept with me in my bed all nigths...... I love her so much.
Agustina is very similiar in some aspects of Almendra.... but she is smaller....she is very kind and always, always but ALWAYS is looking love from us ( my mom and me), we love her.
She got to our life in a singular incident, she was in our car ( under the car's motor), she travelled with us for all the Highway, Valparaiso and many many streets; when we were returned to our home we suddently listened a MIAUUU!!!!, the car was stopped by my mom and we looked under the car's engine and SHE WAS IT!!!!.....It was a surprise to us..... and then at our home this cat was feeded and cleaned and nobody can move her again of our home, she is a part of our family now.
In the case of Iker, it was a little different, he always came to eat to our home and one day my mom decided castrated (because Agustina was not sterilized) and from that moment Iker is our fact he is the favourite cat of my mom....she loves him so much....and he sleeps with her..... always always but really always my mom hug them .....that makes happy my mom.
So for that reason I am thinking the cats are adorable pets and a excelent patners for living.
Never I thought the opposite and My friend Neka thinks the same thing =).....we are CATS LOVERS!!!!! jajaajajjajajajajajjajajajjaa.....she has 3 cats too ( Chuky, Blanquita and Conchita) however her cats are not a good reputations for the cats XD....jajajajajajja.
But in general they are the perfect pet.....I do not tell the dogs or other animals are not a good pet only I say what the cats are adorable animals and they could be a confortable partners....
Now I would like to show you my cats.... these are Almendra, Agustina and Iker, please see two pictures of them sleeping in my bed =)


daniela.vfa said...


PeLu said...

Finally someone who loves both cats like me ... I'm surrounded by veterinarians who prefer a dog or a horse .. I am not against either, but I love more than a cute and cuddly kitten!

daniela.vfa said...

I think the same Pelu....they are the best!!!!! =) fact now Almendra and Iker slept in my bed

Nekita said...

yes!!!! we are CATS LOVERS!! hahaha
hey my cats aren't so bad!! xD...
only my poor Chucky xD...

Miss said...

I love the cats, they are beutiful and cute....the most of people thinking what the cats are kindless and untrust...........but I think the opposite at all ....
In my experience.....the cats are SP worm, kind, cute and a perfect pets; I do not discuss that the cats are more WF independently as the dogs or any pets....but this particular thing of them that I love so much on them.
In my case I have 3 cats in my home ( 2 female and 1 male)... their names are Almendra, Agustina and Iker respectively...
Almendra is only mine... she is white with black spots, she is so cute and very SP worm with me, always waiting my return to home from Santiago, and she is very happy when I TENSE came back at Valparaiso.....when I TENSE was out with my friends or any other activity out.. she is awaiting for me in the window and she does not move from there. Also she slept with me in my bed all nigths...... I love her so much.
Agustina is very similiar in some aspects of Almendra.... but she is smaller....she is very kind and always, always but ALWAYS is looking love from us ( my mom and me), we love her.
She got to our life in a singular incident, she was in our car ( under the car's motor), she travelled with us for all the Highway, Valparaiso and many many streets; when we were returned to our home we suddently listened a MIAUUU!!!!, the car was stopped by my mom and we looked under the car's engine and SHE WAS IT!!!!.....It was a surprise to us..... and then at our home this cat was WF feeded and cleaned and nobody can move her again of our home, she is a part of our family now.
In the case of Iker, it was a little different, he always came to eat to our home and one day my mom decided castrated (because Agustina was not sterilized) and from that moment Iker is our fact he is the favourite cat of my mom....she loves WW him so much....and he sleeps with her..... always always but really always my momSVA hug them .....that makes happy my mom.
So for that reason I am thinking the cats are adorable pets and a excelent patners for living.
Never I thought the opposite and My friend Neka thinks the same thing =).....we are CATS LOVERS!!!!! jajaajajjajajajajajjajajajjaa.....she has 3 cats too ( Chuky, Blanquita and Conchita) however her cats are not a good reputations for the cats XD....jajajajajajja.
But in general they are the perfect pet.....I do not tell the dogs or other animals are not a good pet only I say what the cats are adorable animals and they could be a confortable partners....
Now I would like to show you my cats.... these are Almendra, Agustina and Iker, please see two pictures of them sleeping in my bed =)

impressive story! thank goodness she survived!

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