Tuesday 7 December 2010

English at the university

Well, firstat all, I would like to say that my experience with the English of my university has been very different from English that I had. Here everybody has to study by his side, I think it depends of each one if you want to learn or not, it is not like English at school who usually one came to the classroom and the teacher started writing boring exercises on the board or to write us thousands and thousands of things that were mostly irrelevant (at least it was my experience) In contrast, the English in this faculty has been new to me because it was not just exercises and books, but at least I feel like a feedback from the teacher or I think there is more communication, especially at level 4, because as we have noticed is talking in English and practical exercises to help us in our life. By contrast the English in school was more theoretical and not very applicable in different situations; now I'm not saying it was wrong to hand gave me the foundation but lacked the more practical issues, which and learned to develop in the English faculty.

For talking about my experience in college English let me to say I started last year in the pre-intermediate level. I remember that the English time I encountered the physical conditioning and most of the time was late (about 15 minutes later), but fortunately was not the only and made a lot of the time, luckily the teacher understood the situation and let us come later =). But I must say I was very forgetful at that time and always forgot the book in English and the guide XD. Luckily there was always peers who shared with me =).,
I remember passing successfully achieved this level of English with a 52 and was all very magical because that day also pass chemistry and zoology.After this course let me to say that many students wanted to take English again had no classes because the university did not have much time to this subject, but this year thanks to Simon I came back to take interest in English and he convinced me to take this course and I did the same with Daniela Alvarez and she did everything to Daniel ..... XD as a string.
Well I must say that I have not regretted taking this course on the contrary, I've been pretty good and although I have learned not notice (though clearly not talk much in class, does not mean you do not know but I get a little nervous)

Finally in conclusion, I must say that my experience learning English in the university has been very helpful and somewhat entertaining, it was a new way to see and learn English. At the beginning I started quite well, over time I learned and clearly ..... I am still improving the English myself but little can =)... and well, this course was much better than I imagined and I'm not sorry at all for having taken it, however now I think I should have taken the last semester.
Now I just hope I can pass it successfully, and eventually passed ........ and who knows, maybe in the future taking more elective in English =)


Nekita said...

yes!!!! because you I'm in. ButI didnt convince Daniel xD...

Miss said...

Well, firstat all, I would like to say that my experience with the English of my university has been very different from English that I had. Here everybody has to study by WF his side, I think it depends WW of each one if you want to learn or not, it is not like English at school who usually one came to the classroom and the teacher started writing boring exercises on the board or to write us thousands and thousands of things that were mostly irrelevant (at least it was my experience) In contrast, the English in this faculty has been new to me because it was not just exercises and books, but at least I feel like a feedback from the teacher or I think there is more communication, especially at level 4, because as we have noticed is talking in English and practical exercises to help us in our life. By contrast the English in school was more theoretical and not very applicable in different situations; now I'm not saying it was wrong to hand gave me the foundation but lacked the more practical issues, which and learned to develop in the English faculty.

For talking about my experience in college English let me WW to say I started last year in the pre-intermediate level. I remember that the English time I encountered the physical conditioning and most of the time was late (about 15 minutes later), but fortunately was not the only and made a lot of the time, luckily the teacher understood the situation and let us come later =). But I must say I was very forgetful at that time and always forgot the book in English and the guide XD. Luckily there was always peers who shared with me =).,
I remember passing successfully achieved this level of English with a 52 and was all very magical because that day also TENSE pass chemistry and zoology.After this course let me to say that many students wanted to take English again had no classes because the university did not have much time to this subject, but this year thanks to Simon I came back to take interest in English and he convinced me to take this course and I did the same with Daniela Alvarez and she did everything to Daniel ..... XD as a string.
Well I must say that I have not regretted taking this course on the contrary, I've been pretty good and although I have learned not notice (though clearly not talk much in class, does not mean you do not know but I get a little nervous)

Finally in conclusion, I must say that my experience learning English in the university has been very helpful and somewhat entertaining, it was a new way to see and learn English. At the beginning I started quite well, over time I learned and clearly ..... I am still improving the English myself but little can =)... and well, this course was much better than I imagined and I'm not sorry at all for having taken it, however now I think I should have taken the last semester.
Now I just hope I can pass it successfully, and eventually passed ........ and who knows, maybe in the future taking more elective in English =)

i wish you the best of luck with English It's a long way but you will succeed!

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