Wednesday 27 May 2009

Session 2

My favourite technologic object is my mobile phone, it is a Sonny Ericsson 380.

It was gave me by my mom the last year.

I love it, it is purple and small... reproduce my favourite music and it has pictures of my friends, my pets and my family. Also it works like pen-drive ...

If I didn´t have my mobile phone with me I was boring so much and I would feel incommunicated with the world (my friends and my family).

Since my mobile phone I can be able to dowload pictures to facebook... therefore, I can`t live without my mobile phone, it is a part of my life.

For example, the last week I lost myself in the downtown of Santiago (because I am from Valparaiso), so I have to call a friend to help me. In this situation my mobile phone was very usefull... by this reason and others more it is my favourite technologic object and it is very cute and very very usefull for me because I am a little clueless.


deny-d said...

Your mobile phone is soo beautiful!! I like the colour, and it's the best phone for listen music!!
I have a Sony Ericsson too, but it's more basic and cheap jaja! I just use it for make calls...
See you tomorrow!!

Miss said...

Good, but be careful with the word form.
You have a 5.


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